
Thursday, March 13, 2008

Love Questions

Is There Any Point in Dating If You Don't Have a Job?
Okoro wants to know, "I am currently not working, but am in between jobs, and looking. I've been wanting to do the online dating thing for some time now. I believe that to be the best vehicle for finding someone, but I don't think any woman would be interested in a guy without a job. So I have been holding out till I can secure a job. This is tough though because I am lonely and tired of not being in a relationship. Should I post the ad anyway taking the slim chance that there is a lady that would respond, or should I continue to hold out until I am employed (whenever that may be)?"
So readers, what do you think? I've added my two cents already. ) Would you try to meet someone if you didn't have a job, or would you date someone who was jobless? For those who have been in this position (single and without employment) what did you do?

What Do Teenage Boys Want in a Relationship?
Based on movies like American Pie, I'll hazard a guess that most people would immediately answer, "sex" to this question.

Is Living With the Parents a Turn Off?
Frank asks: "I'm not in school but I was recently and am saving money to return. I don't make much money and I don't have a rich family (well off and comfortable but not rich, I pay for my own school), so I'm pretty much stuck with them, unless I want to give up my educational and career dreams.
I consider myself to be independant in my endevors but when it comes to a place to live I don't really have much of a choice.
Would a girl of the same age or older take that as a turn off at all or is it sort of trivial? I know I wouldn't care if the person I was interested in lived with their parents but then I'm in that situation so I'm kind of biased."
So, what do you think? Does Hank living with his parents make him a less desirable date?

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